| Alaskan Coast Hit With 11 Million Barrel Oil Spill From Exxon Tanker, "Valdez" |
| 28 Year Old Investment Banker Raped In Central Park While Jogging |
| One Million Demonstrate For Democracy In Beijing, Students Take Lead |
| Soviets Complete troop Withdraw From Afghanistan |
| Oliver North Is Convicted In Iran "Contra" Affair |
| Khomeini Offers $5 million For murder Of "Blasphemous" Author Salman Rushdie |
| Hundreds Die In Tiananmem Square As Troops Open Fire On Demonstrators |
| 5-4 Ruling By Supreme Court That Flag Burning Is Protected Free Speech |
| US Invades Panama |
| Solidarity wins first free election in 40 years |
| Earthquake Hits San Francisco Bay Area minutes before World Series Game |
| AZT is shown to delay onset of AIDS |
| Nolan Ryan sets record with his 5,000 strike out at age 42 |
| Dow drops 190 points on October 13, second worst drop in history. |
| "Junk Bond" King Michael Milken earned $550 Million In 1987 From Drexel Lambert |
| Died; Sugar Ray Robison, Lucille Ball, Emporor Hirohito, Salvador Dali |
| 166 billion Taxpayer bail out of savings and loan industry voted by Congress |
| Fear of pesticide "Alar" used on apples causes industry to suffer |